77 - Dogs (1976)
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So let's talk about this pile of trash from 1976. Dogs, like Tentacles, is a movie that was trying to profit off the popularity of the much better film Jaws (1975). But Dogs, like Tentacles, was not interested in making a good movie to compete with Jaws, it was just interested in making a movie.
Dogs is terrible film. Everyone who listens to this podcast understands our affinity for bad films, but Dogs is not of the so-bad-it’s-good variety. This movie is a lazy, inept, and boring pile of crap that was made in a rush in order to capitalize on a profitable idea. It's offensive in it's laziness. For a movie that takes itself ultra seriously, it constantly makes a fool of itself.
It’s ok for characters to make mistakes, in fact, your characters should always have flaws and make mistakes; it’s what makes them human and enables an audience to connect with them. The problem with Dogs is that the characters make mistakes that are completely arbitrary and have no context within their characters. This makes for a frustrating experience where the audience becomes more interested in seeing these people die than make it through the night.
I understand my co-hosts on this show enjoyed this film and you might enjoy it as well, but to me there is nothing worse than lazy film. If you are given the opportunity to make a movie and the best you can come up with is a 10 minute scene in which a character directly defines the meaning of pheromones which ultimately has no bearing on the plot, you’re an asshole.